UCA 北美新视界2020-07-11
我们都曾是昨天的留学生。今天许多在美的中国或华人留学生就是明天的我们。他们这几年在美国留学碰到了太多他们不应该碰到的问题。UCA或将在下周一向位于波斯顿的联邦法庭递交支持哈佛和MIT起诉川普政府的ICE所做出的有关外国留学生签证新规定的法庭之友的陈述(Amicus Brief)。UCA将对这些新一代留学生们予以帮助,使他们在美国能尽量安心完成学业,让他们在美国的经历成为他们人生中最值得纪念的时刻。这既是我们的一份心意,也是我们的一份职责。
我们需要得到您立即的帮助!请您在看到我们的声明后,尽快联系下您身边所熟悉的来自任何国家和地区的中国留学生或华裔留学生,询问他们是否会因为这个新规则的生效而对他们的生活、学习、健康、旅行和未来的规划产生不利影响。如果他们有这方面的(潜在)问题,请他们立即和我们联系。您如果和中国留学生组织(CSSA)的负责同学熟悉,也请您立即让他们和我们联系。我们的电话是(202) 642-5060, 或者电邮我们 info@ucausa.org 多谢🙏 下周一将截止。急需您的帮助!
President of UCA
名称 : 北美新视界
UCA Statement on Trump Administration’s New Visa Rules Regarding International Students
Washington, DC
July 9th, 2020
United Chinese Americans (UCA), a national organization representing people with Chinese heritage in America, condemns the recent directive by the Trump Administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that would strip the international students of their U.S. visa or compel them to leave the United States, if their coursework were entirely online.
The ill-conceived directive would adversely impact more than one million international students in the United States. Having the largest share of the international student body, with 369,548 students or about one third of the total foreign students in America in 2019, Chinese students would undoubtedly bear the brunt of such a decision. Many Chinese students have reached out to UCA, expressing their concerns, such as experiencing anxiety, fear of possible deportation, lack of safe or easy international travel options, and potential interruption to complete their education in America.
“It is shameful the Trump Administration continues to use foreign students to politicize the pandemic and score political points. These students, thousands of miles away from their families and loved ones, deserve our outmost sympathy and support during this pandemic. They should have the option to remain in this country to complete their education in the safest and most undisrupted manner possible,” says Haipei Shue, President of UCA.
UCA calls on Chinese student and scholar associations as well as individual students throughout the United States to contact UCA immediately to share their concerns and consider joining UCA for probable legal actions against the Trump Administration. UCA would like to offer more support to Chinese students and their associations during this most difficult time of the pandemic. Please call us at (202) 642-5060 or e-mail us at info@ucausa.org