
亲爱的UCA大家庭的朋友们, 在UCA这个大家庭的每一成员心中,感恩节总是有其特殊的位置,因为我们彼此之间有太多值得感恩和感激的地方。 感激您对UCA理念、价值和理想的支持,您的不断支持是UCA得以持续发展的原动力。UCA是我们共同的事业,我们一同努力,致力发展我们社区的公民参与社会的事业。我们是一群既优秀又美好的华裔美国人, 我们关心社区和UCA大家庭,相信我们可以让自己和世界变得更美好!尽管天各一方,我们不能聚在一起渡过感恩节假期, 但我们共同的感恩和共同的梦想,将使我们团结在一起,让我们的梦想继续下去。我们期待与您于明年6月25日至27日在拉斯维加斯团聚,期待您来参加第三届美国华人人大会和AAPI公众议事会。我们为社区做出了很多努力,并取得了成就, 我们将会一起继续创造历史!感恩有您,UCA是一个令人难以置信的大家庭! 祝感恩节快乐! 薛海培 美国华人联合会会长

Dear UCA Family,
Thanksgiving has a special place in the hearts of UCA family members, because we have so much to be thankful and grateful about each other.
Your abundant support, care and belief in UCA and its values and ideals have sustained UCA, a growing community civic movement spearheaded by the very best and most beautiful Chinese Americans who care about our community, care for UCA family, and believe in changing ourselves and the world for the better!
Although we cannot gather together in person for the holiday, our shared gratefulness and shared dreams will keep us together and let our dreams live on.
We look forward to the exciting family reunion next year from June 25 to 27 in Vegas for third Chinese American Convention and AAPI Presidential Town Hall.
We have done a lot and achieved for our community. We are making history together! Thank you, the amazing UCA family!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Warmly yours,
Haipei Shue
United Chinese Americans (UCA)