



3月1日,UCA及其他共14个全国性的亚裔组织领导人发起,致信给联邦调查局局长雷伊,要求与他会面,请他澄清这一言论(【点击致信】要求与FBI局长会面,UCA等14个全国性组织联名致信: 要求雷伊澄清华人学生学者是“整个社会威胁”言论)。


UCA提出了三点行动指南,以及致电致信的参考模板。欢迎您在UCA网站上签名参与(请点击本文左下“阅读原文”(Read More)登陆UCA网站,表达您的关切,或直接下载致电致信模板)也欢迎您所在团体,把下面的社区行动呼吁放在你们的网站上,加上你们自己的letterhead和logo发给你们的会员、支持者或读者。

Community Action Alert!

Voice Your Concern with FBI Director Wray’s Remarks on Chinese Students, Scientists, and Professors as National Security Threat

Many in Asian American communities, particularly Chinese Americans, were shocked and concerned to hear high-ranking US officials characterize, at a recent Senate hearing, all persons of Chinese origin in the United States, particularly Chinese students, professors and scientists as potential national security threats, therefore requiring “a whole-of-society response by us” to such an existential threat. 

Spurred by the community’s broad concerns, leaders of 14 national Asian American organizations sent a letter on March 1st to FBI Director with a request for a meeting. Given that several Chinese American scientists in recent years have been mistakenly targeted for prosecution of espionage-related charges, these organizations seek to create an ongoing dialogue with the FBI to foster better communications and mutual understanding between these communities and the FBI. Now is your turn.


1. Sign up on UCA website to register your concern, and support the organizations’ efforts to create a dialogue with the FBI Director.

2. Contact your House Representatives and Senators.  See below for sample language for a phone call or letter.

3. Share this action alert with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Sample Language for Phone Call or Letter

I am a constituent from [City, State]. I am calling to express my concerns about the FBI Director’s remarks during a recent Senate hearing. He made a blanket statement that characterized all Chinese students, professors, and scientists as potential spies. By making such statements, he is approving law enforcement to target people based on their ethnic background and national origin, not on their actions. This is against the American principles and values. I know examples of innocent Chinese Americans being wrongfully accused as spies and caused severe damage to their life and family. I’d like to ask my congressman/senator to

· Call on the FBI Director to clarify his statement, and reaffirm that the FBI will not engage in profiling based on national origin or ethnicity.

· Encourage the FBI Director to speak to the coalition of national organizations that sent him a letter on March 1 calling for a dialogue between the FBI and the Asian American community.

· Assure the voters in [your congressional district or state] that the congressman/senator will not tolerate broad profiling based on a person’s ethnic identity or national origin.

Background reading

“The Chinese Student Threat?” Inside Higher Ed, February 15, 2018

CAPAC Members on Rubio and Wray’s Remarks Singling Out Chinese Students as National Security Threats, press statement, February 15, 2018

“FBI Director’s Shock Claim: Chinese Students Are a Potential Threat,” Daily Beast, February 13, 2018

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