抗击S.386 | UCA联合17个多族裔社团协力行动
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一些移民社区可能会受到H.R.1044 / S.386 即所谓《高技能移民公平法》的伤害,作为这些社区的组织,我们写信表示反对该立法。鉴于该提议将损害我们移民体系的支柱并产生重大影响,我们敦促参议员阻止该法案获得一致通过。
1. 该法案无法解决签证申请人面临的绿卡积压问题。取而代之的是,这只会将积压转移到其他国民身上,从而减少了绿卡申请的多元化。
2. 该法案提供的是一种零和博弈,使某类移民与其他移民在现行移民制度下产生对立。
3. 真正的解决方案应该是通过增加绿卡数量来保护多样性。
我们同意,签证申请人的大量积压是不幸的,需要加以解决。但是HR 1044 / S 386并非一个公平的解决方案,而且会带来进一步的问题,正如美国国务院所言,这是某一组国民对于绿卡申请的一种“垄断”,并将消除绿卡申请程序的任何多样性。我们敦促参议员反对以一致同意的方式通过该法案,并拒绝这种非但无法解决长期存在的复杂问题、却适得其反的尝试。
Arab American Institute
Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs(APAPA)
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Engage Action
Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC)
Italian American Democratic Leadership Council
Korean American Service & Education Consortium(NAKASEC)
National Iranian American Council Action
National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates
Pakistani American Political Action Committee (PAKPAC Membership)
Project South
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
United Chinese Americans (UCA)
United Macedonian Diaspora
United We Dream
United Community Oriented Development Association (UCODA)
To: Members of the U.S. Senate
Dear Honorable Senators,
As organizations representing immigrant communities who would be harmed by H.R. 1044/S. 386, the so-called Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act, we write to express our opposition to this legislation. Given that this proposal would remove a pillar of our immigration system and have significant repercussions, we urge Senators to block the bill from moving forward for unanimous consent.
We do so for the following reasons:
1. The bill would not fix the green card backlog faced by visa applicants. Instead, it would merely shift the backlog onto other nationals, reducing the diversity of the green card process.
2. The bill offers a zero-sum approach that pits one group of immigrants against others to fight over a broken immigration system.
3. A true solution would protect diversity by expanding the number of green cards available.
We agree that the substantial backlog of visa applicants is unfortunate and needs to be addressed. But H.R. 1044/S. 386 is not a fair solution and risks further problems, such as creating what the State Department has referred to as a “monopoly” of the green card process for one group of nationals and eliminate any diversity from the process. We urge Senators to object to the bill moving forward by unanimous consent and reject what would be a counterproductive attempt at fixing a long-standing, complex problem.
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