UCA’s Work Featured in Atlanta Journal-Constitution After Atlanta Shooting

 UCA 北美新视界
Click here to read, on page 11

Today, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a highly esteemed American newspaper, published an article by our UCA member Lily Chen (陈健). In the article, Lily introduces her life and work as a U.S. citizen and community member, and denounces the current acts of hate and violence towards Asians. Thank you and congratulations to Chen Jian and other members for speaking out for our Asian community!

Many other members of our UCA community are also actively writing their testimonials and contributing articles to local newspapers. In case you are interested: the “Letters to the Editor” (“Letters to the Editor”) and “Op Ed” ​​(“Reader Comments”) of American newspapers are reserved pages. These two columns are places for readers to comment on current affairs and express their opinions, and they are a good platform for discourse. 

Using it to introduce ourselves in local newspapers and participate in discussions is a very effective way to make waves in mainstream society.

In order to cooperate with this work, UCA is organizing an upcoming webinar, where we will invite experts and community representatives in this area to guide us on how to write such manuscripts and deliver them to local media.

This is an article published by Lily in AJC (please visit page 11): here


今天美国有影响的报纸The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (《亚特兰大宪章报》)发表了我们UCA成员Lily Chen (陈健)的文章。文章中,Lily讲“自己的故事”,介绍作为美国公民和社区成员的生活、工作,并声讨当前对亚裔的仇视。我们UCA的不少会员也在积极地写出自己的感言,给各地报章投稿。谢谢并祝贺陈健和其他会员为我们亚裔社区发声!

美国报纸的“Letters to the Editor” (“读者来信”)和 “Op Ed”(“读者评论”)是预留的版面。这两个栏目是供读者评论时事、表达心声的地方,是很好的话语平台。希望大家重视和利用这个平台。我们在各地的报纸上介绍自己,参与讨论,也是介入主流社会、改变我们生活环境的一个非常有效的方式。


这是Lily 在《亚特兰大宪章报》上发表的文章 (请浏览第11页):点击这里
