2020 UCA Chinese New Year Greetings

2020 UCA Chinese New Year Greetings

Dear UCA members and families,

At this special time of the year, UCA executive team and board members, wish you a very Happy Chinese New Year, and a very successful year of the rat ahead.

At UCA, we understand this is also a challenging moment for many families in China and Chinese communities across the world, because of the health concerns brought by the new strain of coronavirus. Many of us have been impacted by this outbreak, if not physically, emotionally and mentally. Our spirit is with millions of families here in the U.S., our loved ones in China, and our communities worldwide. We also want to pay a special tribute to those who are working extremely hard during this holiday time. Instead of taking time off, they are carrying out important tasks to support cities and provinces, caring for the sick and needed ones. Their selfless service and sacrifice will save many lives and will be remembered in our memory and history.   

UCA team is currently looking at the best way to help families and medical professionals in the affected areas in China, and how to organize community efforts in the U.S. If you have any suggestions or have any medical expertise, please contact us ASAP. Most importantly, please take proper precautions to stay healthy and support others who may be in need. We wish everyone a safe and restful time at home or wherever you may be during this holiday time. 

In 2020, UCA will also be carrying out planned projects, including summer convention in Las Vegas, legislative initiatives, civic engagement, youth leadership, 2020 census, and other tasks. We want to receive continuous support in these areas and look forward to working with many of you, in building a stronger community. Time has proven again and again, only by working together and connecting with each other, we can go through challenges and continue to make progress for Chinese Americans. Please join or donate to UCA and take advantage of our membership benefit and volunteer opportunities to serve our community.

Again, happy new year, and best wishes from all of us!

United Chinese Americans