Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 4 – 5:30 p.m. EDT
There are over 24 million Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Americans in the U.S. This population is the fastest growing racial group in the nation. However, the current public school curriculum taught to children in kindergarten through 12th grade largely excludes AANHPI. The curriculum does not include American history that involves AANHPI people. The lack of education can lead to anti-Asian biases and unfounded prejudices and further exclusion of AANHPI people.
The nationwide increase in anti-Asian sentiments and behaviors and crimes highlights the urgent need to teach Asian American Studies curriculum in our schools. In the past two years, we have seen much increase in public awareness and support – even among our own AANHPI communities. Important progresses are being made all over the country propelled by the passionate work of many leaders and organizations – from the highest office of the land to community rallies, school board meetings, and classrooms.
This long-overdue curriculum can counteract existing biases and bolster our own community’s sense of belonging and agency. It is imperative that we give youth in America a more complete and balanced foundational education of our collective multicultural and multiethnic history and narrative.
UCA invited this stellar group of leaders, educators, and community members to discuss what work on this topic they have already done and what the next steps forward can look like to further this work.
Panelist include:
- United State Representative, Congresswoman Grace Meng
- Illinois State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz
- Founder of Asian American Education Project (AAEP) Stewart Kwoh
- The 1882 Foundation Founder Ting-Yi Oei
- MakeUsVisible New Jersey’s Kani Ilangovan
- Student leader Billy Zeng
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国会议员孟昭文(Grace Meng):在国会提出促进学校的亚太裔美国人历史教育,帮助消除对亚裔的偏见和歧视的议案。
伊利诺伊州议员江珍妮(Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz):伊利诺伊“教改”法案共同提案人,成功推动该州亚裔历史教育进课堂。
郭志明(Stewart Kwoh):美国律师,教育家和民权领袖。《亚裔美国人促进正义》创始总裁兼董事,《亚裔美国人教育项目》创始人。
Ting-Yi Oei: 1882基金会联合创始人,教育家
Kani IIangovan: 精神科医生,新泽西教改推进组织MakeUsVisible创始人
Sima Kumar: 新泽西大学及高中英语文学教育专家
Billy Zeng: 麻州反种族主义,教育公平和正义联盟(CARE)学生代表
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