Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of United Chinese Americans, we cordially invite you and your company/organization to join us as our sponsor Chinese American Convention.
UCA is a coalition of grass-root community organizations dedicated to the enrichment and empowerment of the Chinese American community in the United States. UCA was formed at the first Chinese American Convention in September 2016 and has since grown into a national federation of 12 local chapters in Atlanta, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, Washington State, West Virginia, Wisconsin, New York City and San Francisco and over 30 community partners nationwide.
Our 2022 Convention will host more than 300 community leaders and 200 youth leaders, guest speakers and journalists from all over the country. We will talk about issues that concern the Chinese American community the most, such as anti-Asian hate crimes, civil rights & civic participation, Chinese American culture, value & identity, grassroots activism & community services, youth development & training of next generation young leaders, US-China relations and the future of Chinese American community, etc.
Attached please find our sponsor kit for your review. If you are interested in our sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at (206) 708-0399 or by email.
For more information about UCA, please visit:
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Your consideration and support will be greatly appreciated!
Sincerely yours,

Chinese American Convention (美国华人大会), held every two years, is a national and open convening platform for Chinese communities. Organized by the United Chinese Americans (UCA), a national community-based coalition and civic movement, the first and second conventions were held in 2016 and 2018 respectively. Due to the pandemic, the third convention, originally scheduled for 2020, has been postponed to the summer of 2022. As with our first two successful conventions, our third convention will bring together hundreds of community and civic leaders, activists, elected officials, academics as well as business leaders and entrepreneurs from across the country. They will come together to discuss issues and concerns, share unique experiences, forge consensus and common agenda, and explore opportunities to work together. For 2022, UCA will also hold its inaugural “UCA National Youth Convention” (UCA 全国青年大 会), where hundreds of young students (high school and college) will convene in the nation’s capital to network, learn from each other, expose themselves to new ideas and initiatives, and ultimately nurture a youth movement for change among the Chinese American community.

Statistics of the 2018 Chinese American Convention
417 Attendants
From 100+ Community Organizations
Representing Chinese American Community in 50 States
Demographics of the Delegates

Convention Program Highlights:
- White House & Congressional Citation to Chinese Community
- UCA Congressional Day & Congressional Reception
- Launching UCA Community Fund and Community Showcase
- Launching National Association of Chinese American Elected Officials
- UCA 2021 North American Chinese Photography Awards and Exhibition
- First UCA National Youth Convention
- 100 Youth Convention Scholarships
- AAPI Youth Organizations Showcase/Exhibition
- Mini Grant to Youth Organizations
- UCA WAVES (Wellness, Advocacy, Voices, Education & Support) Mental Health Track
- Intergenerational Dialogue
- College Students Networking
- Report on Chinese American Demographics 2020 & Youth Survey
- UCA 2021 North American Chinese Photography Awards and Exhibition
Diamond Sponsor
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Opening remarks at sponsored session
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
10 complimentary registration passes
Platinum Sponsor
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Opening remarks at sponsored session
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
6 complimentary registration passes
Gold Sponsor
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
3 complimentary registration passes
Silver Sponsor
Half page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
1 complimentary registration pass
Bronze Sponsor
Quarter page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
1 complimentary registration pass
Friendship Sponsor
Business Card size advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Honorary Chair
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Opening remarks at sponsored session
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
10 complimentary registration passes
Lifetime membership
Honorary Co-Chair
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Opening remarks at sponsored session
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
6 complimentary registration passes
Honorary Vice-Chair
Full page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor’s exhibition table at the registration or common space area
3 complimentary registration passes
Honorary Steering Committee Member
Half page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
1 complimentary registration pass
Convention VIP Invitee
Quarter page advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
1 complimentary registration pass
Friendship Sponsor
Business Card size advertisement in the convention program book
Sponsor’s promotional flyer included in registration packet
Name/logo appearance in the promotional materials of the convention
Name mention in the convention press release
Sponsor Contact Form
Please fill up your contact information for us to contact you and your organization:

Please email this page to to confirm your sponsorship. Thank you!
Payment Instructions
1.Check payment
Make check payable to United Chinese Americans (UCA) and mail the check to:
1050 Connecticut Ave NW. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036.
Please write “for 2022 UCA Convention Sponsorship” on the memo line of your check.
2.Wire transfer using following UCA Bank Account Details:
Account Name: United Chinese Americans Inc (UCA)
Routing Number: 054001204 (paper & electronic)/026009593 (wires)
Account Number: 226001059957
Bank Name: Bank of America
Point of Contact: Yinong Shen, Treasurer,
or Haipei Shue, President,
Please write “for 2022 UCA Convention Sponsorship” in the note section.
3. Bank direct transfer
Zelle: or phone 304 216 3261
Please write “for 2022 UCA Convention Sponsorship” as the purpose of the transfer.
UCA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our federal tax ID is 82-1111498.