UCA TALKS | Overreach-How China Derailed its Peaceful Rise

Overreach-How China Derailed its Peaceful Rise
Date: November 1st (Tuesday)
EST: 5:30 -- 6:30pm
WST: 2:30 -- 3:30pm
A Talk by Susan Shirk on Her New Book “How China Derailed its Peaceful Rise”
At a time of great and worsening confrontation between US and China, a time of grave concern for its future by the Chinese American community, UCA is honored to invite Prof. Susan Shirk, one of the most influential China scholars in America and a highly respected former diplomat, as the guest speaker for our next #UCATalks webinar series.
Susan Shirk is chair of the 21st Century China Center and a research professor at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy. Shirk’s 2008 book, “China: Fragile Superpower,” helped frame the policy debate on China in the U.S. and other countries. Her other books include: “The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China,” “Competitive Comrades” and “Changing Media, Changing China.” She previously served as deputy assistant secretary of state (1997-2000), responsible for U.S. policy toward China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mongolia. She is director emeritus of the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation and founded the Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue, an unofficial forum for discussion of security issues.
During the webinar, Prof. Shirk will discuss her newly released, highly expected book “Overreach: How China Derailed its Peaceful Rise”, followed by a conversation with the audience.
This talk will be moderated by Haipei Shue, president of UCA.
UCA members and friends are welcome to subscribe to China 360, a bulletin featuring original insights from the scholars at the 21st Century China Center to inform people about the complex and multidimensional developments in China and U.S.-China relations: https://linktr.ee/21CCC
To register for the webinar, please click the link https://tinyurl.com/UCATalk or scan the QR code.
Time: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 5:30pm ET, or 2:30pm PT
To support UCA, please donate here
United Chinese Americans (UCA)
第四场讲座:Overreach-How China Derailed its Peaceful Rise
日期:11月1日 (星期二)
东部时间 : 5:30 --6:30pm
西部时间 : 2:30 --3:30pm
01. 美中关系的现状和未来

近几年美中关系的急剧恶化使两国关系降至到中美建交以来的冰点,在美国的华人朋友都对未来深感担忧。就在本月十二日拜登总统在发布的有48页的2022年”美国国家安全报告“(National Security Strategy)将中国视为美国最重要的地缘政治挑战,沙利文在报告发布后举行的记者招待会上指出:“中华人民共和国怀有重塑国际秩序的意图和逐步增长的能力,让其在国际竞争的环境里向对自己更加有利方向倾斜…“ 。虽然报告本身提出与中国竞争不是搞新冷战,但是把两国之争的性质归纳为民主与专制之争。针对美中关系的现状和两国在脱钩的道路上会走多远这些问题,UCA邀请到一位重量级专家在11月1日来我们UCA华人大讲堂做一场我们期待已久的讲座。

02. 关于演讲者

Susan Shirk (谢淑丽)女士是美国研究中美关系和中国政治方面最有影响力的专家之一。她是加州大学圣地亚哥分校全球政策与战略学院研究教授和 21 世纪中国中心的创始主席,该中心是一个独特的学术研究中心和基于大学的政策智囊团。

Shirk 女士担任Miu Lam中国与太平洋关系委员会主席多年,是加州大学全球冲突与合作研究所 (IGCC) 的名誉主任。关于中国和美中关系她出版了许多著作,其中最著名的是《中国经济改革的政治逻辑》和《中国:脆弱的超级大国》,后者帮助美国和其他国家制定了关于中国的政策框架。她的最新著作《超越:中国如何破坏其和平崛起》于 2022 年 10 月由牛津大学出版社出版。

除了学术工作外,Shirk 女士还以其丰富的政策经验而闻名,尤其是在美中关系方面。 1997-2000年,Shirk女士担任东亚和太平洋事务局副助理国务卿,负责中国、台湾、香港和蒙古事务。她是东北亚合作对话 (NEACD) 的创始人,并一直积极参与该对话,这是一个在美国、日本、中国、俄罗斯和韩国的国防部和外交部官员和学者之间讨论安全问题的第二轨论坛.

Shirk 女士还是中国专家工作组的联合主席,该工作组于 2021 年 9 月发布了第三份报告“中国的新方向:美国政策的挑战和机遇”。她还是加州大学圣地亚哥分校美中关系论坛的联合主席。

03. 重磅讲座, 不容错过

我们邀请您11月1日参加华人大讲堂,与Susan Shirk女士见面,聆听她对中美关系的深刻分析并提出您最关注的问题,讲座时间是东部5:30pm, 西部2:30pm。注册请按下面的二位码:

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