Mental Health and Suicide: #UCAWAVES Statement and Upcoming Events

From September to October, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) had four consecutive suicides, causing two deaths and two attempted suicide, which sounded the alarm for all the parents of college students. “We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, both on our campus and nationally, this increased risk of suicide among college students,” said Guskiewicz, the UNC chancellor.

At present, more and more parents are beginning to realize that mental health problems are a common problem and not something to be hidden. More and more parents are willing to put aside stereotypes and prejudices, learn about this information, actively prevent and store relevant knowledge and skills.

Because of this demand, UCA Waves is organizing three mental health talks on October 16, 24 and November 4. We hope parents don’t miss it.

WeChat article:



也正因为有了这样的需求,UCA Waves近期将在10月16日、24日,以及11月4日组织3场精神健康方面的讲座,希望家长们不要错过——
