2024美国华人大会成功举行 成果丰硕

Washington D.C., July 1, 2024 – From June 27 to June 30, 2024, the fourth United Chinese Americans (UCA) Conference was held in Washington D.C. This year’s conference, themed “Embracing the New Civil Rights Movement,” attracted nearly 700 participants from across the United States. The event showcased the strength and voice of the Chinese American community and united their hopes and confidence for the future.

The first day featured the “AANHPI Congressional Advocacy Day,” co-hosted by UCA and APAPA, serving as a crucial platform for the Chinese American community to demonstrate its influence to legislative bodies. This year’s scale surpassed previous UCA-organized Congressional Days. Hundreds of participants, divided into over 50 visiting groups, successfully visited 283 congressional offices, representing more than half of the 425 House representatives. Each group detailed the issues facing the Chinese American community, focusing on real estate purchase restrictions for Chinese nationals, anti-Asian sentiments, and the inclusion of Asian American history in U.S. high school curricula.

During the Capitol Hill reception, Congresswoman Grace Meng thanked UCA and APAPA members for their participation and highlighted the importance of incorporating Asian American history into U.S. high school curricula. Texas Congressman Gene Wu emphasized the negative impacts of real estate purchase restrictions on Chinese Americans and called for the Asian American community to unite and engage in politics actively. California Congresswoman Judy Chu noted that current visa restrictions on Chinese students and scholars severely hinder academic and technological exchanges between China and the United States. New Jersey Congressman Andy Kim urged everyone to vote and participate in public affairs to secure more rights for the Asian American community.

The second and third days of the conference featured over 20 forums and more than 50 guests, providing attendees with engaging discussions and sharing sessions. At the opening ceremony, Erika L. Moritsugu, President Biden’s AAPI Affairs Commissioner, Congressmen Ted Lieu, and Gene Wu, and Maryland State Delegate Lily Qi were present to offer their congratulations. In his opening remarks, UCA President Haipei Shue addressed three unique challenges facing the Chinese American community: deteriorating US-China relations, worsening domestic political climate, and the new immigrant community’s lack of engagement in political and social life. He called for the community to unite, launch a new chapter in the Chinese American civil rights movement, and establish a nationwide coalition to tackle future challenges.

The conference included five themed sub-conferences focused on youth, mental health, AAPI political action, community building and civic engagement, and entrepreneurship and career development.

The National Youth Conference explored how to maintain and renew culture, heritage, and identity in America and discussed experiences in a multiracial democratic nation.

The Mental Health Summit focused on improving mental health services for the Chinese American community.

The AAPI Political Action Summit discussed best practices in managing and developing successful Political Action Committees (PACs) and IRS-approved C4 political organizations.

The Community Building and Civic Engagement Sub-conference discussed the importance of building harmonious communities in the current politically divided environment.

The Entrepreneurship and Career Development Sub-conference focused on career development and representation of Chinese Americans in government departments.

The highlight of the conference was the Awards Ceremony and Gala. Individuals and organizations with outstanding performance in community service and leadership were honored. Lani Wong received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her over 40 years of outstanding contributions to community service and leadership. The conference also held a memorial service for five late UCA participants and founders. The gala featured captivating performances by Chinese American rapper Alan Z and renowned comedian Joe Wong.


大会的第一天是由UCA和APAPA联合举办的“亚太裔拜访国会山”(AANHPI Congressional Advocacy Day)活动,成为华人社区向立法机构展示其影响力的重要途径,其规模超出了以往UCA组织到UCA Congressional Day。数百名参与者们分成50余个拜访小组,在UCA和APAPA代表的带领下,成功拜访了283位国会议员办公室,超过了国会425众议员的一半。每个小组详细介绍了华人社区面临的问题,并提出个人见解,主要关注限制华人在美购置房地产,亚裔敌视,尤其是对华裔的敌意,将亚裔历史纳入中学美国历史课程等。

在随后举行的国会山招待会上,联邦众议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)感谢UCA和APAPA全体成员的到来,并重点谈到了将亚裔历史纳入美国中学历史课程的重要性。德州华裔众议员吴元之(Gene Wu)强调了限制华人在美购置房产法案的负面影响,并呼吁亚裔社区团结一致,积极参与政治,予以反击。加州华裔联邦众议员赵美心(Judy Chu)表示,当前对中国学生学者的签证限制严重影响了中美之间的学术交流和科技合作。新泽西州的韩裔联邦众议员金安迪(Andy Kim)呼吁大家积极投票,参与公共事务,为亚裔社区争取更多权益。

大会的第二、三天,20多场论坛、50多位嘉宾,为观众奉献了无比精彩的讨论和分享。开幕式上,拜登总统的亚太裔事务专员Erika L. Moritsugu、联邦众议员刘云平(Ted Lieu)、德州众议员(Gene Wu)吴元之、以及马里兰州众议员齐丽丽(Lily Qi)等政要到场祝贺。薛海培会长在开幕致辞中深入阐述了大会主题的重要性,讲出了华人社区面对的三大独特的挑战(不断恶化的美中关系,不断恶化的美国国内政治,以及新移民社区对参政议政、投入社会生活的不适应甚至是冷漠),呼吁华人社区团结一致,掀起华人民权运动的新篇章,建立全美华人社区联盟,共同应对未来的巨大挑战。






大会的重头戏当属颁奖典礼暨晚宴环节。大会为多位在社区服务和领导力方面表现卓越的个人和组织进行了表彰。Lani Wong因其在社区服务和领导力方面四十多年的卓越贡献而荣获份量最重的终身成就奖。ACLU等十几个组织和个人也荣获表彰。主旨演讲嘉宾是麻州经济与住房部长郝依平,分享自己移民奋斗故事,引爆全场齐喊加油。大会也为五位已逝去的UCA的参与者和创办者举行了哀悼仪式。

晚宴上还安排了说唱华裔青年明星Alan Z和著名脱口秀明星黄西(Joe Wong)的精彩表演,尤其是黄西的幽默段子引发了全场笑声不断,将晚宴气氛推向高潮。当UCA会长薛海培把UCA会旗交给下一届2026年美国华人大会的主办地拉斯维加斯的代表手上时,全场欢呼雀跃。最后,在新石器时代乐队的演奏下,全场观众沸腾起来,纷纷翩翩起舞。

大会最后一天的活动,是在首都的国家广场上组织了首次大型“Walk for Civil Rights,Walk for Our Rights”的民权步行活动,纪念《1964民权法》生效60周年。超过300位华人同胞从二战纪念碑步行到马丁路德金纪念碑,再步行到林肯纪念堂,高举美国国旗和UCA的会旗,表达对民权运动先驱的敬意。


