Sherry Chen Finally Received a Favorable Ruling

Sherry Chen Finally Received a Favorable Ruling


May 22nd, 2018  Washington, DC

Three and a half years after her being wrongfully charged and arrested in October 2014, two years after her termination in March 2016, Sherry Chen finally received a favorable ruling from the Chief Administrative Judge Michele Szary Schroeder of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), which orders Department of Commerce (DOC), to reinstate Sherry’s employment and pay back her salary and benefit she lost.

The Chief AdministrativeJudge Michele Szary Schroeder ruled on behalf of MSPB, an independent quasi-judicial body of the US federal government. She believes that Sherry is the victim of a “gross injustice”. The judge rejected completely the DOC’s many allegations against Sherry Chen, and ordered the US Commerce Department to let Sherry Chen return to work and pay her salary. “This is the victory of strength and faith, it is our common victory.” Said Sherry Chen in a recent interview.

UCA and other national Chinese American organizations have been working hard and strongly support Sherry Chen through years. UCA is also actively discouraging DOC to appeal to this well reasoned ruling.