2022 UCA “Concert in the Cloud” North American Talent Show Contest

This poll has ended (since 1 year).
#76 青杉剧组 作品名:《三人✖️虎》
2,372 votes, 42.39% of the total 5596 votes
#134 原创大合唱《枫韵之歌》由5个多伦多合唱团和1个洛杉矶合唱团共同演出
1,483 votes, 26.50% of the total 5596 votes
#135 加拿大歌手 吕玉萍《枫姿夜色美》
407 votes, 7.27% of the total 5596 votes
#34 Steven Tang 原创“扒谱”吉他曲:"Feet of Flames" "爱尔兰火焰之舞"
320 votes, 5.72% of the total 5596 votes
#50 仙紫蘭翻唱SING女團的《團團圓圓》
165 votes, 2.95% of the total 5596 votes
#64 Amanda Zhou 2022 CNY Tiger Crosstalk
83 votes, 1.48% of the total 5596 votes
#68 Jeffrey Chen Orginal made video with remixed music and song
41 votes, 0.73% of the total 5596 votes
#102 John Liu 华夏兄妹戏剧社 说说这两年的事儿
38 votes, 0.68% of the total 5596 votes
#101 John Liu 夏洛特爱乐艺术团 合唱-让世界充满爱
37 votes, 0.66% of the total 5596 votes
#104 The VanDiva: A Voice from the heart (心声)
33 votes, 0.59% of the total 5596 votes
#69 Calvin Chin’s Martial Arts Academy: Martial arts performance by students and teachers
31 votes, 0.55% of the total 5596 votes
#66 林琛 《一剪梅-春意阑珊》
30 votes, 0.54% of the total 5596 votes
#65 林琛 《水滴》 ​
29 votes, 0.52% of the total 5596 votes
#74 Vince Huang 魔方表演《“牛”转乾坤》
27 votes, 0.48% of the total 5596 votes
#138 陈郁洲 陈乐江 French horn 草原上升起不落的太阳
26 votes, 0.46% of the total 5596 votes
#45 Tang arts & performance studio 唐艺舞坊舞蹈《万疆》
23 votes, 0.41% of the total 5596 votes
#108 亞雅舞蹈學院 Hello Homeland (2021) Best Mongolian Dance Film by Yaya Dance Academy!
21 votes, 0.38% of the total 5596 votes
#47 Ashley Huang 《云裳诉》古筝独奏改编 Guzheng Arrangement of “Robe of Clouds”
17 votes, 0.30% of the total 5596 votes
#131 张孜行 京剧《梨花颂》(9岁男旦)
17 votes, 0.30% of the total 5596 votes
#016 Wynne Wu (薇尼) 薇尼编创导演的语言类节目新三句半 华人华语马屁歌
17 votes, 0.30% of the total 5596 votes
#78 ABC Chinese Singing Club: 蜗牛
16 votes, 0.29% of the total 5596 votes
#130 京剧《卖水》六月里片段 (10岁男旦)​
16 votes, 0.29% of the total 5596 votes
#105 Sophia Shi 石睿琦 许巍《无尽光芒》,原创编曲
16 votes, 0.29% of the total 5596 votes
#001 Kayla Bohan 原创歌曲《Back to School》
16 votes, 0.29% of the total 5596 votes
#99 石睿琦(Sophia Shi): 两只老虎
14 votes, 0.25% of the total 5596 votes
#017 Wynne Wu (薇尼) 薇尼导演改编的语言情境小品 公车奇葩
13 votes, 0.23% of the total 5596 votes
#117 高潮: 相声《抗疫奇人》
12 votes, 0.21% of the total 5596 votes
#116 高潮: 相声《您有外号吗》
12 votes, 0.21% of the total 5596 votes
#140 俞承悦 钢琴演奏 《春的絮语》“Rustle of Spring”
12 votes, 0.21% of the total 5596 votes
#59 白桦 原创歌曲《生生叹》,古风清新之作。给全球华人拜大年,恭贺新春!
9 votes, 0.16% of the total 5596 votes
#58 YiLiQi 詞曲原创並親唱蒙古草原歌曲, 唱出對家鄉草原的思念, 也歡迎大家到蒙古草原來 ​
9 votes, 0.16% of the total 5596 votes
#002 Kayla Bohan 原创歌曲《天涯此时月儿圆》
9 votes, 0.16% of the total 5596 votes
#56 YLT(Yuanqi Ladies Team) 《Jasmine and the Banished Immortal》
9 votes, 0.16% of the total 5596 votes
#53 Lucas Li 原创歌曲《那窗外》演唱:黎响 Lucas Li 作词作曲:黎棋 Leakey Li ​
9 votes, 0.16% of the total 5596 votes
#124 贺子潇《今年不回家》Kevin Zi-Xiao He - Not Coming Home This Year
8 votes, 0.14% of the total 5596 votes
#139 Naomi Wang 王乐含 (9岁)京剧《贵妃醉酒》(选段)
8 votes, 0.14% of the total 5596 votes
#79 Mandarin Playground: A Busy Chinese New Year 《忙年歌》
8 votes, 0.14% of the total 5596 votes
#93 波士顿美少女组合:《送别》
7 votes, 0.13% of the total 5596 votes
#148 木兰健身学校 朝鲜舞 《小白船》
7 votes, 0.13% of the total 5596 votes
#003 木兰健身学校 古典舞《纸扇书生》
6 votes, 0.11% of the total 5596 votes
#21 RDS SiqiYu Crazy over you - Blackpink original
6 votes, 0.11% of the total 5596 votes
#98 Renliang Xu an original stage singing/dance performance by Jinlu Arts
6 votes, 0.11% of the total 5596 votes
#133 Lily Friends Song Chinese and American Friendship Peace Love and Unity
5 votes, 0.09% of the total 5596 votes
#132 Lily's Poem, The Shape of Love, Peace, and Unity
5 votes, 0.09% of the total 5596 votes
#67 刘梓杰 刘梓睿 a re-arranged version of a famous Chinese pop song "过年迪斯科“.
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#30 Jason Sun It's a dance music video covering Justin Bieber's first viral song, Baby.
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#33 Kemin & friends ​From chaos to Bach ​从瞎弹到巴赫
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#019 Lin Qu 曲美霖 电视小品《年夜饭》
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#015 奶茶 水火既济 阴阳相济 水火同源
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#82 Michelle Hui:长笛演奏谭蜜子改编的《夕阳箫鼓》
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#97 FIREFLY ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA 为北京冬奥助力MV:“一起向未来” (Cover)
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#25 Noah Sun covers a Chinese Nursery Rhyme 感謝 dedicated to his family and his acting/singing teacher, Mr. Todd Lien.
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#004 木兰健身学校 西藏舞《雪儿达娃》
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#007 Ian 曾奕舒 创意武术《武幻大侠》
4 votes, 0.07% of the total 5596 votes
#145 木兰健身学校 现代舞《可可托海的牧羊人》
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#147 木兰健身学校 旗袍舞《探清水河》
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#23 Bowen An original Chinese rap song and music video produced and directed by Mr. Todd Lien from iStage Entertainment.
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#71 侯嘉 《渔舟唱晚》
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#90 秋风乐队:《仙翁操》龙吟虎啸
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#142 Contemporary Music Club:《平凡之路》
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#103 Joyce 5, Eann Yu 7, Caleb Yu 11: 恭喜恭喜
3 votes, 0.05% of the total 5596 votes
#37 林成娜 少女绘画山水间的亭台楼阁
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#008 Xuejuan Dance Ensemble “Morning Melody” 晨光曲
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#143 星工厂艺术学院:舞蹈《古风新动》
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#72 韩艾彤导演作品温哥华话剧团出品:春晚海外华人贺岁《过年的歌》MV
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#141 Jennifer Li 古筝演奏《蒙古舞曲》
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#73 温哥华话剧团出品韩艾彤总导演公益主题曲MV《心暖心等于全世界》
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#127 Dream Melody梦之声 "Do Re Mi" from The Sound Of Music
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#40 顾文沅 (指挥) 作曲:许如辉,鲍云凯,改编:杨大为;Purple Bamboo 紫竹调
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#48 Qian Yin and pianist Po-chuan Chiang: 'Fisherman's Harvest Song'
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#96 FIREFLY ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA 原创儿童绘本歌曲MV : "太阳和月亮为什么住在天上"
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#136 首位亚裔田纳西小姐赵佳琳(Annie Zhao)NBA灰熊队比赛开场 小提琴演奏国歌
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#84 Mabelle Liu 有凤来仪 The Auspicious Phoenix
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#018 Molyfm Singing ,songwriting and music production
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#86 Yi's Dance and Fine Arts in Western New York: Song of the Fishing Light
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#137 田纳西快乐功夫武术队祝大家新年快乐!
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#49 Jennifer Jew and Ashley Bei Jew - Original composition: Those Past Lunar Festivals
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#91 Rossie Liang Peacock Dance
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#010 吴婕 wu jie See the cooking smoke again
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#24 Alicia Clark It's a music video for the covered song with the original singer, Olivia Rodrigo.
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#95 FIREFLY ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA 原创儿童绘本歌曲MV: "Best of me 最棒的自己"
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes

Choice #144 Contemporary Music Club:《弯弯的月亮》
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#129 Dream Melody梦之声《梨花又开放》
2 votes, 0.04% of the total 5596 votes
#46 Rosé 东北大妞在乡村长大,手绢是她最好的朋友,她开心就会拿起来手绢扭秧歌。
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#41 Carl Johansen, viola; Ning Lu, piano:Spring to Yanbian, a Chinese Folk Song
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#20 Bolia Gong a romantic music video that tells a love story in autumn in UK.
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#22 Luke Wang Open Hands expresses the thoughts of a girl that's lost in the woods as she searches for survival.
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#38 孙美丽 儿童传唱歌曲『众生
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#36 Chao Zhu a pop song cover
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#35 Orchid—于兰 Cover Song
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#106 Rachel He: Chopin’s Variations Brilliantes Op. 12
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#32 YAQI ​A Chinese singer based in LA
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#31 Frederick Zitian Huang 原创钢琴曲四段,选自《回忆组曲》:《小丑前奏曲》《跳梁小丑》等。
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#111 客家祖地上杭节目: 木偶表演多彩偶苑
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#29 Banlingyu Ban (Ban Ban) 法语艺术歌曲:“爱的小径”;“Les Chemins de l'amour” by Francis Poulenc.
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#44 Jessica Lin: Awakening of a Tang Figurine 唐印 (Chinese classical Han-Tang dance)
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#005 木兰健身学校 新疆舞《花儿为什么这样红》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#61 Kerson Leung 'Pastoral Song 牧歌'
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#54 S. Dai “梨花颂-蝶恋”
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#94 FIREFLY ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA Something just like this + 刚好遇见你 (Cover)
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#89 Barbara Parker 母女合唱《梨花颂》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#88 Yi's Dance and Fine Arts in Western New York: Ribbon Dance
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#87 Yi's Dance and Fine Arts in Western New York: Eternal Love
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#85 Michelle Chen Guzheng - 香山射鼓 "Drum Echos at the Temple Fair"
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#83 Eric Qiu 魔术 回忆的味道 中英双字
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#80 Charles Qi 《大江东去》- 苏轼词,青主曲
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#012 Yobin Wu 《赛马》原是一首二胡独奏曲
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#52 Anda Xie 相声 - 超级主持人
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#122 JENNIFER 原创歌曲《明天》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#77 Charles Li Poetry reciting
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#125 美音乐Wonderful music 《爱在天地间》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#115 FIREFLY ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA :“大鱼” (Cover) 经过全新编曲,钢琴、长笛和声乐的共同演绎版
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#126 Dream Melody梦之声 "The Lonely Goatherd" - The Sound of Music 2012 Raymond Playhouse Society
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
26 Lucas Sun The show is an reenactment of "I Love Lucy" episode, Vitameatavegemin.
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#128 Dream Melody梦之声《饮酒歌》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#006 Zach Wang 王紫豪 魔术
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#60 北京民族乐团 多媒体情景音乐:《五行》之尾声 《往复》
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#110 客家祖地上杭节目: 十番音乐客家大乐
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#109 Louis Lee Basket Ball Demonstration
1 votes, 0.02% of the total 5596 votes
#013 Yobin Wu 《半壶纱》"Ban Hu Sha“means "half pot of yarn"
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#011 吴婕 wu jie The song video walks through the snow in search of plums
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#146 木兰健身学校 皮影舞《俏夕阳》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#009 Kalamazoo Chinese Academy “Green” Dance
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#014 Yobin Wu 《大鱼》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#28 Baigali Homesickness: A Mongolian girl in a foreign country misses her hometown.
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#107 April Zhong: Upwards to the Moon《左手指月》- Cover by April
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#112 客家祖地上杭节目: 客家缘族谱情
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#113 客家祖地上杭节目: 客山客水客家情
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#114 客家祖地上杭节目: 阳光少年
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#100 Bin Tu: 劍魂扇影-左手指月
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#118 许人良 Jinghu Solo "Deep Night" 京胡独奏《夜深沉》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#92 黄晓彦: 反串演唱
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#81 Charles Qi Cherubini in Coro (千位天使的歌唱)
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#27 Perry Ji It's an original humorous interpretation of a well-known champion.
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#123 JENNIFER 原创歌曲《耶稣爱我们的家》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#70 Olivia Hong、Hannah Xiao、Esther Huang、Elsa 指导老师:Tia Huang 《弹唱国学经典》 古筝表演
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#63 Tom and Angela Yang Celebrate Chinese New Year duet
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#62 Jason Xu – 天空之城 by Joe Hisaishi – PENGFEI STUDIO
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#57 Goh Ballet 'Paradiso' is performed by dancers in Goh Ballet’s Senior Professional School and Youth Company
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#51 Abigail Washburn and Wu Fei perform "Wusuli Boat Song/The Water is Wide"
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#43 Wenyuan Gu, violin Yuan Qi, viola Ning Lu, piano: The Prayer 《祈祷》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#42 Wenyuan Gu, violin; Ning Lu, piano:Theme for Red Sorghum
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#39 Ning Lu & Jie Lu "The Blue Danube Waltzes"
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#121 JENNIFER 原创歌曲《江水旁》
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes
#75 谭纯 Original Piano Piece: Light and Line
0 votes, 0.00% of the total 5596 votes