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A Letter to Convention Sponsors
Dear Sponsors of 2018 Chinese American Convention,
United Chinese Americans (UCA) will be hosting its “2018 Chinese American Convention” from Sept 27 to September 29 near Washington D.C.
UCA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to empower and enrich our communities. Since our inaugural Convention in late 2016, UCA has established 7 local chapters in IL, CA (SF), WI, MA, Iowa, Conn and WV, developed strong relations with many community partners in various states such as Nevada, Utah, South Carolina, CA, Ohio, PA, OR, & WI, and has truly demonstrated our commitment to “serve, lead, and inspire” our communities.
This convention theme is “Strengthening Our Communities, Embracing Pluralistic Society”. We expect around 400 participants from 40+ states at this convention. The convention will address issues from civil rights, to mental health, to parenting and US-China trade war that are important to our fast-growing communities.
We have prepared a varied levels of sponsorship and package, with multiple means to make your company or service better known to the Convention participants and beyond, as the table and graphs below clearly demonstrate in a visually intuitive manner.
If you have any questions regarding the convention or if you need to know more about the sponsorship, please feel free to contact me at 630-863-5579 or lily.chen@ucausa.org. I look forward to hearing from you.
Haipei Shue
UCA President
Lily Chen, RN, MA
UCA Convention General Manager
UCA Executive Director
Donation and Payment Methods for
United Chinese Americans Inc. (UCA)
UCA Finance
July 26, 2018
- Online donation and payment via PayPal: info@u-c-a.org or by Credit/Debit Card https://ucausa.org/our-supporters/donation/
- Cheque donation:make cheque payable to United Chinese Americans (UCA) and mail the check to: 1050 Connecticut Ave NW. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036. PLEASE WRITE YOUR EMAIL on the memo line of your check
- Stock/brokerage account donation: please contact Yan Bellantoni at ybella88@gmail.com
- Wire transfer donation: if you would like to make a wire transfer, please send email to treasurer@ucausa.org or info@ucausa.org for UCA Bank Account Details